So, this is my 1st foray into blogging, so I figured that I should introduce myself, and sort of why I'm even bothering.
Really, it wasn't even my idea at all. A friend of mine recommended that I start writing about things that interested me, ostensibly because I am, using his words, "Very quotable." I fail to see that quality in myself, but figured that it can't hurt if he's right. So, I'm taking his advice, and just talking about anything that happens to come to mind; current events, history, politics, cooking, personal experiences, whatever.
I've been described as an asshole on any number of occasions, but I try to be polite as much as possible. I'm very opinionated, and it generally takes a lot of convincing to change my mind on anything, but I am always open to new ideas and discussions. Some people have called me conservative, and some people have called me liberal, but I don't consider myself either. I have tendencies from both sides of the field, but because of some retarded human reaction where if I favor one thing from one side, I must favor everything from that side, I get called (on a fairly equal basis) a bleeding-heart Liberal and a fear-mongering Neocon, both of which make me laugh. Really, I'm more of a moderate, and think that there's good on both sides; it's just that the dichotomy of ideology and this for us/against us mentality on both sides really doesn't do anybody any good.
I'm a born-again Pagan. I was raised Roman Catholic, but early in my life I started to question my faith, and was encouraged to do so by my parents (and interestingly my grandmother, who is one of the most devout Catholics I have ever known, and a wonderful person). I was given my first book of mythology at the age of 6 (again, by my grandmother), and have been hooked since. I collect religions like some people collect stamps, and since I spent a lot of time studying them as a passion, I have a healthy respect for pretty much all faiths, and can see the good in almost all of them. I love talking about differences in faith, and being pointed to new avenues of research. I also, despite falling from the 'one true faith', have a lot of respect for the basic tenets and principles of Christianity, and have met a few Christians I have a lot of respect for; most notable of these are my old pastor in Indiana, Gary Johnson (who helped me get more answers than I think he will ever know), and my best friend Mike (who may be the best person I have ever met).
I know there are a lot of great Christians out there, it just seems to me that I see more and more of the type of people that Jesus best typified as Pharisees in Matthew. If you're not a Christian, it's worth a read; if you are a Christian, it's even more so. I'm an animist, if anyone is interested. That doesn't mean I worship animals, and I'm not a New Age neopagan/druid/Wicca/whatever. I'll write about what it is I believe in later, if anyone is interested.
I'm a gamer. Always have been, always will be. I got hooked young, and now I play a lot. I've currently got a PS3 and PS4, and a laptop with a bunch of emulators. I enjoy multiplayer games (mostly shooters and role-playing games), and driving games when it comes to my consoles, and I'm actually pretty flexible when it comes to board games. I really enjoy strategy board games though, like Risk. I love Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity as well.
The name of the blog seems cliche, I know, but it has some meaning for me. Very often, I find my personal view to be so out of touch with what I see being accepted as the norm that I often feel like I am a stranger. I suppose that's another reason what I'm writing this: to give a different point of view on things. I just hope that I don't come off as being conceited or arrogant in my ramblings.
Well, that about does it. Expect more later (not that I imagine I'll get too many hits).
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